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Registration now OPEN for science in Mackay

Mackay Science Miniconference 2016 Program 8 April 2016

Registration is now open for the science conference at Mackay State High School April 7 & 8
Download the full program and all the presenter and workshop details now
Then reserve your spot by registering for the workshops you want
Clicking on the Register button below will take you out to the Eventbrite site where you can choose your sessions

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Save the Date! Science miniconference in Mackay April 2016

Mackay Science Miniconference April 2016 featuring Dissection Connection, Rockhoundz, Cider House Tech, Fizzics Education, Berwick Office Technology
Mackay Science Miniconference April 2016 featuring Dissection Connection, Rockhoundz, Cider House Tech, Fizzics Education, Berwick Office Technology
Mackay Science Miniconference April 2016 featuring Dissection Connection, Rockhoundz, Cider House Tech, Fizzics Education, Berwick Office Technology

Block out the 7 & 8 April on your calendar because we’re bringing you a couple of days of serious science fun.Mr Vivi and I received such a warm welcome in Mackay on our way to Cairns last year that we’ve gathered up some mates and are taking them back with us this year.For anyone in North Queensland this is an ideal opportunity to get good quality PD right in your own backyard, so please join us and encourage your colleagues to come along too.

If you don’t live near Mackay then consider joining us for a couple of days professional development and a tropical getaway anyway. These dates are just before Term 2 goes back and it’s a really lovely time of year to be in North Queensland.

Please share this invitation with your local network as well by clicking on forward to a friend below. The proposed list of workshops is below and they have been chosen because they will be worthwhile for lab technicians, primary and secondary teachers, pre-service teachers and home schooling parents.

Sign up to the conference newsletter now to hear the Squeal from Miss Vivi when the full program is published and registration opens.

To Register Click here

Forward to a friend Click here

Conference newsletter signup Click here

  • Virtual science excursions
  • 3D Printing & 3D Scanning
  • The science of waves
  • Microfossils and foraminifera
  • Chemistry with dataloggers
  • Female reproductive system dissection
  • Physics with dataloggers
  • Networking drinks
  • Cane toad euthanasia
  • Tour of the school farm
  • Environment, soil and water testing with dataloggers
  • Plucks vs piglets dissection
  • Simple ways to teach air pressure
  • 3D Printing & 3D Scanning
  • Kitchen science
  • Earth science















Images by phanlop88 at

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How different surfaces effect blood spatter patterns

simulated blood available at dissection connection

View post on

I wish I could say that I had put together this gif myself using our simulated blood powder, but I was pointed towards it on Twitter this weekend. It’s going to make a great prac in your classroom, though. Let me know if you need a blood powder top up. One sachet makes a litre so it lasts for ages.

post by miss vivi at dissection connection




9 Feb 2016

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Just Wash! Awesome video by The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Scrub 'em! handwashing poster

Public service announcements don’t need to be sombre and serious.  Even the serious stuff needs a little lightening up.  The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia nails it in this video about the importance of hand washing to the tune of Uptown Funk.  Awesome stuff for the lab safety unit at the beginning of the year especially if you combine it with the Glitter Handwashing Experiment and our free downloadable Hand Washing and Glove Removal posters here.

So, channel your inner Bruno Mars, and don’t believe me – Just Wash!




20 Jan 2016