I just wanted to let you know how much serious, Science fun we had last day of term.
We had a teacher who was a vet nurse do the dissection so she knew a lot about it all. We had many guest students, teachers and staff come to observe as everyone was so fascinated.
Definitely a worthwhile science activity!!
– Jo Kerry, Miami SHS
At this time of year it can seem like the entire curriculum is falling down on top of you. It’s a few weeks until the end of the year, you’ve got content to finish teaching, revision to fit in, exams to write and mark, graduation ceremonies, reporting…. the list is endless and you still have to turn up for rostered playground duty.
It is very easy to decide not to squeeze in an extra activity and nobody would blame you. But sometimes something special is just what the school needs at this time of year.
We had a couple of very large porcine uterus arrive unexpectedly. I couldn’t tell if they were pregnant, but they were certainly bigger than anything I had seen before. One school made the time in their day to include a dissection of the uterus and a bovine penis specimen as well and the response was fantastic.
As word spread about the impending spectacle other classes asked to come. When the reception staff were forewarned about the delivery they asked if they could watch too. On the day questions were thrown thick and fast and every single person in the room went away with at least one piece of information about their reproductive system that they didn’t know before. Can you imagine the conversations at dinner tables all around the coast that night? “What did you do at school today, son?”…..
30 Nov 2015
Looks like it is the end of an era here at Chinchilla SHS. No more rat dissections!!!!!!!
The teacher and students loved Miss Piggy and we had other teachers coming in for a look. The Biology teacher declared it “Way Cool” and I am impressed with the lack of smell (unlike rats) and much easier to identify organs etc.
The teachers only concern was that we usually get pregnant rats but I feel we can show the reproductive systems better using uterus and testes specimens in conjunction with male and female piglets.
Thank you so much for the piglet I believe my teachers have seen the light and been converted. I know I have.
– Sheena Wolens, Chinchilla State High School
I came to work the other day to find this email waiting for me. I’m pleased to see that even when we get it wrong we sort of get it right.
“This is a shot of the dissection of one of the porcine kidneys we sourced from you. As you can see it has a cyst. It was fascinating and the girls (and the staff) learnt so much. When it was dissected, it used urine, so we assumed there was a blockage – perhaps a stone. The girls handled and felt the difference between the healthy flesh and the unhealthy. I thought you’d be interested in our lesson.”
I’m not sure how we missed it when we were packing because we do check every organ that comes through, but in this case I’m glad we did.
Mr Vivi came back from a Chamber of Commerce talk the same day buzzing about this specky new machine they have at a nearby University. It allows the user to navigate and interact with all kinds of virtual environments – including body systems. I’m certain that it’s a fantastic, engaging and valuable educational tool but I’m just as certain that nothing is like experiencing the real thing in your hands.
Apr 10, 2014