It’s been a rough term for the old brain, but we’ve had a win and we have some in stock. Limited quantities are available so get in quick.
It’s been a rough term for the old brain, but we’ve had a win and we have some in stock. Limited quantities are available so get in quick.
We’ve got some ovine hearts available right now, but limited numbers in stock. New stock due to arrive this Saturday and then we’ll be processing as fast as our cardiovascular system will let us!
Fingers crossed they are good quality this time.
” Investigate and compare the digestive systems of a monogastric and a ruminant animal, using real or virtual examples”
YES it is part of the new syllabus in QLD and it is listed as a mandatory practical – but they wrote it without consulting anyone in the industry.
Sheep stomachs are not only difficult to get, they are impossible to package.
They are difficult to get because they are hard to transport. Nobody wants a bucket full of sheep farts in their meat truck
Because of their diet and digestive processes, the stomach continues to inflate with gas long after it is removed from the animal. By the time it gets to me I can’t get it into a bag, let alone into the cryovac machine. We have found in the past that freezing doesn’t stop it – it just keeps getting bigger.
Pig stomachs are a different story. We often have a couple in the freezer. They look like Lady Gaga’s handbags.
In the meantime have a look at this nice little slideshow online comparing the two.
I have prepared these piglet teeth and bones which should do the trick for teeth experiments. These are from the upper jaw and I have also cleaned up the lower jaws. If you are in need of some let me know what you are looking for and we can work out a price based on what you need. Don’t forget you can always harvest the teeth from your own piglet specimens as well.
We do also sometimes have human teeth that have been autoclaved and are in steripacks for $2 each. Drop me a line and I’ll let you know what we have in stock.
15 Sept 2016