So, just when we thought we’d ferreted out all the ways that supply could possibly be interrupted we get thrown another doozy this week. Mr Vivi duly arrived early to work this morning and threw open the cold room door expecting boxes and boxes of lamb hearts to be waiting for him in there.
What he actually found in there was…… nothing.
So, on the phone to the supplier it was.
It turns out that the wild weather off Melbourne last week that led to a bit of a catastrophe with the Spirit of Tasmania breaking its moorings and smashing up the dock also led to a bit of a catastrophe in the world of The Meat Men.
Passengers left stranded after #SpiritofTasmania damaged https://t.co/8NBI7Xv5dc
— ABC News 24 (@ABCNews24) January 14, 2016
Spirit of Tasmania appears to have broken its mooring & is drifting towards the beach pic.twitter.com/8ZmS74LUyf — George Donikian (@GeorgeDonikian) January 13, 2016
No ships between Melbourne and Tasmania mean no Tasmanian lamb to the mainland either … or their hearts. So here we sit, Australia Day and the first day of school almost upon us and we are lamb-less. It’s un-Australian! #funnynotfunny
And that, Vivsters, is why if we didn’t laugh we’d cry.
18 Jan 2016