So, I wouldn’t usually rate Buzzfeed a great source for scientifically accurate literature. Having said that – this anatomy quiz was really good. Not the drawing of the ovary, though. That is just weird.
You’ve got reproduction coming up in the national curriculum next term so here’s a handy tool to scaffold your unit around. Give the kids a go at this quiz which asks them to identify a number of different anatomical structures from a clear, easy to understand diagram. You could have the class try it out at the beginning of the unit and then again at the end to show them how much they’ve learned.
Also a great opportunity to get a real uterus and ovary in front of them so they can compare the real thing with the diagram.
And if I’m such a vagenius, why did I get one wrong? Well, let’s just say that reading the question properly is always the key to a genius answer. Try it now yourself and let me know how you go.
14 July 2016
The Lakes College have invited us to deliver a workshop on the male reproductive system on 21 July 2016. That’s Week 2 Term 3 and I know it seems like a long time away but it will be here before you know it. You know how quickly Term 3 goes.
This workshop is a companion workshop to the female reproductive system one we did there a while ago. This workshop will include specimens of bovine penis, porcine testis and live semen.
Mr Vivi will be running this one so you will have him all to yourself. Start a list of really hard questions for him now 🙂
You can sign up via the online shop or send a purchase order by email. Just make sure we have it in time to defrost your bits of bob for you.
He’s looking forward to seeing you there.
8 June 2016
So, we have this crazy idea.