When one of us has a birthday we like to take the opportunity to have a proper weekend away. It only happens twice a year and we don’t get much time off together so we like to celebrate in style. This year for Mr Vivi’s birthday we took a 3 day weekend in Brisbane, saw the Mummy exhibition at the Qld Museum and had dinner at Smoke which we’ve been trying to get to for over a year. Great food, great wine and great company was surpassed only by the dessert special – Peanut Butter Pudding.
It was heaven in a little cup and the whole table almost cried when Mr Vivi knocked the glass over and we thought all was lost. Never fear because I have toiled away in the kitchen since then to recreate the experience at home so you, too, can taste a little bit of the amazing meal we had at Smoke. With the right ingredients this recipe could be made entirely gluten free.
I started with this recipe and have tweaked and twiddled until I got it just the way I wanted it. In truth, it’s just a really basic pudding recipe that I can flavour any way I like now, and I’m quite keen to have a go at it using Nutella or perhaps some of our Backhousia citriodora which is lovely in melting moments.
This recipe must be foolproof because Mr Vivi managed to make his first batch as I yelled instructions to him while I was trying to put my makeup on 20mins before we screamed out the door to a BBQ. The secret is in using a whisk to get a smooth, creamy consistency.
So, without further ado, here is our recipe for peanut butter pudding. I thought you deserved a sweet treat after your first week of Term 4. Let me know what you think, won’t you?
Peanut Butter Pudding
1 3/4 cup milk
1/2 cup cream
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup peanut butter
slurp of vanilla
2 1/2 teaspoons cornflour

Keep about 1/4 cup of the milk aside to dissolve the cornflour later.
Combine the milk, cream, sugar, peanut butter and vanilla in a saucepan.

Whisk over low heat until the sugar is dissolved and the peanut butter has melted and blended through the mixture.
The mixture can be steaming hot, but don’t let it boil yet.

Blend the cornflour into the milk that was kept aside.
Add the cornflour slurry to the mixture on the stove and stir with a whisk.
Bring the mixture to the boil while whisking and let boil for about a minute.

Take the mixture off the stove and leave to cool a little bit. Don’t let it set.
Pour the warm mixture into glasses or ice cream cups and chill in the fridge.

Serve with cream or ice cream.