For the past two years we have had the pleasure of watching Miss Lily come to work with us a couple of afternoons a week after school. She soon made the place her own and took over the place when we weren’t able to be there. You may not have known it, but Miss Lily was packing your parts, writing your invoices, decorating your delivery boxes and generally keeping us in good order around The Chop Shop.
I knew she was the one for us when she turned a bovine vagina inside out to see the cervix and announced “You can’t do that with a textbook!” And she was absolutely right.
But all good things must come to an end and Miss Lily has left us for the bright lights of University and a grown up life. She’s left us in good hands, though. Her little sister Miss Darcy has stepped in to Lily’s shoes and taken her sisters place at the table when there are cupcakes on offer. And we often have cupcakes to deal with. It’s a tough job, but these girls are totally up to it.
All the best, Miss Lily. You’ve been a science superhero and I fully expect to see you doing something AMAZING in the future.
23 Mar 2016