Save The Date!
Monday 19 October for
Workshops at Varsity College
With the final Student Free Day for the year looming Jaimie and I think it is high time we came south and brought some of our special brand of fun to you.
Workshop topics will include:
- How to get away with murder: hands on toad euthanasia workshop using the current approved CO2 protocol
- Stillborn piglet dissection: how to get the best bang for your buck
- Meet the MakerBot: We’ve partnered with Berwicks Office Technology to bring you 3D printers for the classroom that come with THOUSANDS of free projects as well as the ability to 3D print almost anything your imagination can come up with
If you have an idea for a session or would like to run one on another topic then feel free to get in touch.
This is an ideal opportunity to get good quality PD right in your own backyard, so please encourage your colleagues to come along. The workshops are open to all lab techs, teachers and any staff who are interested.
We’ve recently showcased the MakerBot 3D printer at a conference at Sydney Grammar and a teacher mentioned that he thinks it will be an fantastic tool for his special needs students – particularly for vision impaired kids. Please let your colleagues know they can come and see it in action on October 19.
Varsity College have been kind enough to agree host us. Cost will be kept to a minimum to cover consumables and Miss Vivi will organise some morning tea.
We will keep you posted on the final details of the program and open registration in the first week of next term.
Don’t forget to share this invitation with your local network as well – we don’t know everyone, it just feels like it!