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#TuneOutTuesday goes creepy crawly in The Critter Shed

It’sΒ #TuneOutTuesday! The weekly podcast recommendation from Miss Vivi that is meant to get you out of your head and into some cool content that will feed your amazing brain.

The Critter ShedΒ is a favourite of ours, particularly for road trips. If you like learning about the weird and wonderful side of nature – about things like spider sex, venom-packing frogs, or mind-controlling parasites, and more – then this is the podcast for you!
Collie Ennis is a science research associate with Trinity College Dublin who owns a shed full of creepy crawlies and reptiles.

Colette Kinsella is an audio producer who loves to talk about animals.

This podcast isn’t recorded in a studio with a guest, a coffee and a suite full of sound effects. It’s recorded as Collie and Colette explore the sheds full of creatures in Collie’s back yard or the log habitat he built in his front yard or the local wetlands at night looking for newts with a torch. We give it 8 thumbs up!

post by miss vivi at dissection connection
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Introducing #TuneOutTuesday, Miss Vivi’s favourite podcasts for you

#theohayez #findtheohayez searching for theo hayez

🎧I’m starting #TuneOutTuesday! πŸŽ§

I used to always have a radio on in the lab, then I discovered books on tape, then I had an iPod mini full of TED Talks clipped to my sleeve and now I listen to podcasts on my wireless headphones. When you spend a lot of time in a small area doing fairly repetitive tasks like dispensing chemicals, pouring plates and washing up it can be a bit wearing on the soul.

I love stories about people and podcasts let me soak them up without being distracted at work. Since most of us are on holidays I’m going to share my favourite podcasts with you once a week. Feel free to put me on to new ones that you love. I use Castbox player most of the time. I find it less clunky than Spotify or iTunes.
For our very first Tune Out Tuesday I’m sharing with you: The Lighthouse. The story of the disappearance of backpacker Theo Hayez and how the Byron Bay community stretched their hands across the water to Belgium to Theo’s family and have kept the search for Theo going long after his family had to return home. If you’ve ever travelled alone you know how small acts of kindness from strangers makes a big difference and even though Theo is missing he’s not forgotten. What happened to 18 year old Theo Hayez?…

If you have any information about the disappearance of Theo Hayez please contact CrimeStoppers online or by phone 1800 333 000. As the podcast points out, Byron Bay is a place where lots of people pass through for only a day or two so there may be people out there that saw Theo on the night he disappeared who have not been contacted yet.

To keep up with or help in the search for Theo go to the website managed by his family and supporters, like and follow the Looking For Theo Facebook page and Have You Seen Theo Hayez Instagram and follow the hashtags #theohayez and #findtheohayez

post by miss vivi at dissection connection