Mr Vivi spotted an anatomy colouring book on the internet and just had to have it. I wasn’t convinced but it duly arrived in the letterbox – and WOW! What a resource! We’ve got a collection now and we’re stocking books and flashcards for you.
Anatomical colouring in is normally pitched at tertiary students but we’ve chosen resources that will be suitable for secondary or even upper primary level. Colouring-in is fun and appeals to all levels and types of learners, diagrams reinforce the relationship of one body part to another and colouring-in highlights the details of anatomy as well as the big picture. Colour coding is a tried and true method for many different industries so the skills learned can be applied elsewhere, assists in memorising parts of the body, developing motor skills, is a fun mathematics activity for sequential numbering and numeral identification and introduces new vocabulary to enhance science literacy.
Email me if you’d like to see some sample images.