A little while ago I posted on the Facebook page that I’d seen these incredibly cute collectables by artist David Foox at the Street Anatomy store but they were sold out. The lovely Vanessa from Street Anatomy got in touch and offered me the very last one – and here he is!
They are sold as a blind box, so you don’t know which one you’re getting until it arrives. Mine is Plasma and he came with a little booklet describing all the different organs that can be donated and how they are used. I don’t know if he’s camera shy, but he’s been remarkably difficult to photograph.
Since I bought mine there has been another release and they are available now at the online shop and every order comes with a free pack of anatomical stickers by artist Rx.
The Red Cross website says that 1 in 3 of us will need a blood donation but only 1 in 30 donates. You can actually donate plasma every 2 weeks because the red cells are returned to your body after the plasma is separated out. I’m overdue to donate blood so this is a good kick in the pants to get me back to the donor mobile. I might even take my little friend along.
Of course, you can also sign up all your other useful body parts to be donated to others when you’re finished with them. It’s strange that Australia is a world leader for successful transplant outcomes, and we are so generous towards others in times of need, but we still have the one of the lowest rates of organ donation in the developed world (Donate Life). Why is that?